Does your website have your business’ hours clearly stated? Whether you’re a brick-and-mortar shop or an online business, your customers and clients should have a clear expectation of when they can work with you.
🪴 It not only helps people connect with you efficiently, it creates great boundaries for your business as well.
🪴 You’ll notice that on our stated hours here, Friday – Sunday are not included. Sometime last year (or maybe it was the year before) Katie started taking Fridays off. She works hard, so she should. Then because Katie is the boss and set that tone, several other people asked if they could take Fridays off as well.
🪴 So, we’re available for longer hours Monday – Thursday, but the weekends are our time to connect with ourselves, our families, our pets, and our plants. We watch weird movies, we travel, we bake, and we get lost in some amazing music.
🪴 And when we come back on Monday, we’re rested and ready to go! This is a big reason why our company is a fun and relaxing place to work, while we change the world and make our clients money.