I've been legitimately obsessed with Seth Godin's Akimbo podcast. Seth is the real deal. He has been around forever. Written tons of books. Created and sold companies. He is amazingly perceptive about culture, media, and marketing, and he's capitalized on it. He is also amazingly …
What if you don’t?
I focus a lot on the "What if you do?" If you do XXX, then YYY will happen. It's REALLY easy to let my thoughts go to the negative when I think of "well what if I do this?" If I raise my prices, my clients will fire me.If I pitch myself or my writing, people can reject me. I've opened …
What if you do?
What if you don't? I focus a lot on the "What if you do?" If you do XXX, then YYY will happen. It's REALLY easy to let my thoughts go to the negative when I think of "well what if I do this?" If I raise my prices, my clients will fire me. If I pitch myself or …
People Like Us
Sunday I went for a run, and because I was by myself I got to listen to podcasts. Until October I NEVER listened to podcasts. I don't even know what happened to me. I must have gotten tired of my running playlist. I started listening to Seth Godin's new Akimbo podcast, and my favorite …
How I Conserve Energy
At home during the day, I leave the dishes in the sink, the laundry in the dryer, mail on the counter, etc. and so forth. I clean up NOTHING. I leave a mess in my wake. (I clean it up at the end of the workday.) I used to feel bad about it. Then, today, while I was eating lunch and reading a …
Pound The Alarm
Well, I never exactly know when I'm going to have something I feel the need to share with you rightthisverysecond and right now is the very second I need to share. I've talked to a lot of you about my supercalifragilisticexpalidocious business coach. She helped me go from shy, …
You Say TomAYto, I say TomAHto
If there's one thing every self-employed person has to be constantly doing, it's selling. Our selling is often one-to-one, singular proposals to different people with different (though possibly related or in-the-same-industry) businesses. We might be pitching SIMILAR services to different …
Why I Worked With a Business Coach
I've talked about being in the right place at the right time before, and that's kind of how I ended up with my own business coach, Theresa Loe. She has done phenomenal things with her business, and last summer she started offering group coaching so that it was affordable to more people. I was at the …
I FINISHED MY HALF MARATHON! And it was not as terrible as I had expected. WOOT! I thought of you while I was running because I was like, "I do NOT want to have to tell my colleagues that I quit at mile 10.5, but I really wanted to go eat pralines at the candy shop instead of finishing. For …
VACATION! (6 Days No Email)
Hi y'all! Well, I made it through my half marathon. There was a lot of mind over matter happening. More importantly, I took a VACATION (VACATION requires all caps!) with my husband and I got to ENJOY it because I wasn't looking at email and potentially getting stressed or worried or …