Well, I never exactly know when I’m going to have something I feel the need to share with you rightthisverysecond and right now is the very second I need to share.
I’ve talked to a lot of you about my supercalifragilisticexpalidocious business coach.
She helped me go from shy, cowering, stand behind the curtain “getting things done for other people” person to peeking out (ok yelling with lots of Harry Styles gifs) getting things done for my business kind of person.
She helped me figure out that I was, to borrow a phrase from one of HER mentors,“Carrying around a bag of rocks and then trying to climb a mountain in record time,” and then how to get rid of those rocks so that I would make more money.
Today my awesome coach, Theresa, has officially opened up the pre-sessions for her program again, and is doing two free webinars next week. I really don’t want you to miss out because she’s FANTASTIC. And if I waited until next Wednesday to email you, you would miss out. Hence the email.
Pre-sessions start with a free webinar! No need to fork over any cash. Believe me when I say you really want to make time to watch. You will definitely learn things. Here’s the topic:

You’ll learn things that I learned in my coaching program. The big program is SO MUCH MORE than that, though. This is just the TIP OF THE ICEBERG. (Which is why it doesn’t cost anything.)
After that, she will be opening her new coaching session for registration. I am an affiliate for her because (in case you missed it) I am a RABID FAN of how much this program has helped me.
If anyone enrolls through me or my links, I get a commission. I am also offering two free hours of “Client’s Choice” graphic design, tech help, copywriting, or strategy implementation to people who enroll through me.
I believe in what Theresa teaches in her course so much that I’m basically going to GIVE BACK what I’ll earn as an affiliate to any of MY PEOPLE (and you’re my people) who go through the program.
So, register for the webinar. Or if you’re like “Eh, I dunno, I want to learn more before I register for the free webinar,” here’s a little video she did to give you a taste.
(I bill $100/hour now. So I’m offering $200 of free time to my people. Before I started with Theresa I billed $50/hour. That’s just one tangible thing that working with her did for me. Also, that’s not pie-in-the sky. I have 5 clients at that rate. DON’T FREAK OUT CURRENT CLIENTS NOT AT THAT RATE 🙂 You got in under the wire.)
All set? Cool.
Ok, now that you did that, it’s time for “Stuff I Think You’ll Love.”
Amy Porterfield’s podcast about “Getting Noticed When You’re Just Starting Out Online”
Copyediting Weekly’s “Freelancer Finance: Making sense of billable and non-billable hours”
Cookies from this bakery. (They ship!) (Should I say I’m sorry for telling you about them? If you’re on a diet please don’t click.)
Have an awesome weekend!

P.S. Um, yes, you might notice that I talk about money. Like, a lot. Here’s why: I see a lot of people who have blocks about money. They don’t want to talk about it. They’re afraid to invoice. They want to give everything away for free. They don’t think they’re worthy. And they’re broke and exhausted. I want to try to remove the mystique about money. I want to make it ok to talk about being a freelancer and making money. I want us to all get to take vacations and go to the movies and do whatever it is we want to do without feeling like we have to work 80 hours a week. Fair warning, if you don’t want to work toward that, probably you should say goodbye and unsubscribe, ’cause I’m never NOT going to be talking about that.