Open & Awkward: Shop Talk with Katie & Amanda
Episode 27- KITTED OUT
What you allow will continue
What’s this podcast about?

In this episode, Katie and Amanda open up about their battle scars from some truly awful jobs—think PTSD, but with a side of trauma. Katie is bummed about not being more involved in the public garden industry and wishes public gardens, breeders, growers, and retailers would communicate more. Amanda is rolling out her grab-and-go craft kits, because who doesn’t want an awesome, surprise DIY project? She also rants about small businesses stubbornly sticking with ancient technology—apparently, there’s still a fan club for ancient cash registers. Both Katie and Amanda admit that their brains are so packed with info, they try to be kind to themselves if they end up word searching. Laundry sauce=laundry detergent. Get it?
- Another great addition to Katie’s team!
- Know your worth and treat people well!
- The busy “slow” time.
- Amanda’s talks about her DIY Take Home Kits (they’ll make great Christmas gifts!).
- Do your experiences help you make decisions or just make you a crabass?
- The phrase, “the customer is always right” is wrong!
- We can change our minds.
- Why Amanda hates hanging baskets.
- Did the laundry sauce arrive?
- Getting so excited you (literally) choke!
- Make KITS Happen!
Raptor Gardens – on Amanda’s sidewalk
Googly Eyes on Pitcher Plant
Katie’s painting of Tree Stump

Decomposing Tree Stump

Raptor Gardens

The Stuff at the End
The Open & Awkward Podcast is a production of The Garden of Words, LLC. Copyright 2024 Amanda Thomsen and Katie Elzer-Peters. All rights reserved.