The Most Exciting Two Minutes in Sports happens every year on the first Saturday in May. I went to watch the ponies run at Churchill Downs when I was 14 or 15, the trip a birthday gift from my parents to their horse-crazy daughter. Because I was underage, my dad only let me eat …
Building Something People Beg You To Participate In
The ChattaJack 31: It's really 32. The year I did it we had the "Hell Fog." That's what happens when the water is maybe 60 or 70 degrees and the air is more like 30 degrees. One year it was kind of warm and there was no current on the river because that's what happens when the good people of …
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The Chattajack
It's really 32. The year I did it we had the "Hell Fog." That's what happens when the water is maybe 60 or 70 degrees and the air is more like 30 degrees. One year it was kind of warm and there was no current on the river because that's what happens when the good people of Chattanooga don't need …
Internet Proclamations
It has become customary if someone is leaving a Facebook group to announce in the group: "I'm OUT!" We don't really do that at parties. We don't stand on a chair, bringing the party to a complete standstill, making everyone stop talking, and holler, "GOODNIGHT I'M LEAVING. TRY TO HAVE FUN WITHOUT …
Easy Actions to Increase Revenue
I had to save 12 months worth of taxes in 6 months because of disorganization! (Lest you think I always have my act together.) It happens to all of us. BUT in order to do that, I had to implement some revenue-related actions. And it seems like they worked well, so I'm keepin''em and sharin' 'em with …
The Ad Blocker & Modern Marketing
I've been legitimately obsessed with Seth Godin's Akimbo podcast. Seth is the real deal. He has been around forever. Written tons of books. Created and sold companies. He is amazingly perceptive about culture, media, and marketing, and he's capitalized on it. He is also amazingly …
What if you don’t?
I focus a lot on the "What if you do?" If you do XXX, then YYY will happen. It's REALLY easy to let my thoughts go to the negative when I think of "well what if I do this?" If I raise my prices, my clients will fire me.If I pitch myself or my writing, people can reject me. I've opened …
What if you do?
What if you don't? I focus a lot on the "What if you do?" If you do XXX, then YYY will happen. It's REALLY easy to let my thoughts go to the negative when I think of "well what if I do this?" If I raise my prices, my clients will fire me. If I pitch myself or …
People Like Us
Sunday I went for a run, and because I was by myself I got to listen to podcasts. Until October I NEVER listened to podcasts. I don't even know what happened to me. I must have gotten tired of my running playlist. I started listening to Seth Godin's new Akimbo podcast, and my favorite …
How I Conserve Energy
At home during the day, I leave the dishes in the sink, the laundry in the dryer, mail on the counter, etc. and so forth. I clean up NOTHING. I leave a mess in my wake. (I clean it up at the end of the workday.) I used to feel bad about it. Then, today, while I was eating lunch and reading a …