If there's one thing every self-employed person has to be constantly doing, it's selling. Our selling is often one-to-one, singular proposals to different people with different (though possibly related or in-the-same-industry) businesses. We might be pitching SIMILAR services to different …
Why I Worked With a Business Coach
I've talked about being in the right place at the right time before, and that's kind of how I ended up with my own business coach, Theresa Loe. She has done phenomenal things with her business, and last summer she started offering group coaching so that it was affordable to more people. I was at the …
I FINISHED MY HALF MARATHON! And it was not as terrible as I had expected. WOOT! I thought of you while I was running because I was like, "I do NOT want to have to tell my colleagues that I quit at mile 10.5, but I really wanted to go eat pralines at the candy shop instead of finishing. For …
VACATION! (6 Days No Email)
Hi y'all! Well, I made it through my half marathon. There was a lot of mind over matter happening. More importantly, I took a VACATION (VACATION requires all caps!) with my husband and I got to ENJOY it because I wasn't looking at email and potentially getting stressed or worried or …
It’s All In Your Head
I'm getting ready to run a half marathon in New Orleans this weekend. (WHY DO I PERSIST IN TELLING YOU THAT I'M ABOUT TO DO SOMETHING THAT COULD GO COLOSSALLY WRONG before I do it?) I've run two other half marathons which means: a) I know that, save breaking a bone mid-run, I …
Building a Bench + Being the Bench
Let’s talk about benches. Not garden benches, though I’m super pumped I can finally use this squirrel picture I took at Newfields in 2014. We’re talking about a bench of people to help you and back you up. Like a sports team bench! A basketball team doesn’t only have the players on the court …
Sunk Costs
Today's blog will be very super simple. I want to talk about sunk costs This is a really annoying topic, so here, have a puppy with a puppy first: I literally JUST re-did my main service website. That's because it was super duper confusing and overwhelming. I had redone …
When It’s Time to Quit Something
Sometimes you just have to quit something. Give it the heave ho. Say uncle. Cut your losses. Ignore sunk costs. Move on. Today I'm quitting my website. Specifically my Garden of Words website. It was only 2 years old but it DID. NOT. WORK. the way I needed it to. "Oh but it was pretty." Yeah, …
I Quit
I QUIT! Sometimes you just have to quit something. Give it the heave ho. Say uncle. Cut your losses. Ignore sunk costs. Move on. Today I'm quitting my website. Specifically my Garden of Words website. It was only 2 years old but it DID. NOT. WORK. the way I needed it to. "Oh …
Time for some Time Off!
Hey there fellow freelancer! A quick note to say that I'm about three hours from shutting it down for an entire luxurious end-of-year week off and I'm pumped! I have six books I want to read. Prolly not gonna happen. I'm with my family and getting ready to just spend some time with …