I almost didn’t send this email.
I’m getting ready to go to the GWA: The Association of Garden Communicators annual conference and the IGC show (Independent Garden Centers) and I am FLAT OUT getting ready to not work on client work for 5 days.
(And this hasn’t been through my copy editor, so she’s gonna kill me and there are probably typos. Hi Susan! Happy Birthday!)
BUT if I didn’t send the email, then YOU would miss out on my business coach’s free masterclass next week, and I didn’t want to not tell you about it. She only does this about three times per year.
You can sign up if you want and/or get the replay if you are at GWA. If you want to watch the replay you have to sign up before the masterclass happens!
The masterclass is on Tuesday, August 14 and there are two times.
Here’s the topic:
(You can also learn more here.)

SHE is basically the reason why I’m flat out right now because I went through her coaching program and it changed my life. LISTEN. The only other person I talk about that way is Harry Styles.
Let me tell you a very short story
I have been saving for taxes like a good little freelancer and I decided to go run my P&L in quickbooks to see if I was on track.
After I hit “run report” I bit my nails for 4 seconds and then looked at the results. Guys, I have doubled my income year over year. And it’s all Theresa’s fault! (Well, I’ve worked hard, but she taught me how to work strategically.)
I went through Theresa’s program last year before she had free masterclasses and all that jazz. I was just like “You’re the bomb sign me up if you ever offer coaching.” It has been almost exactly one year since I started the program with her.
Now I have some interesting tax situations looming. How fun. But if you’re wondering if you can learn anything from Theresa Loe to help grow your business, if you’re on my list, the answer is yes. I know this because I basically know all of YOU.
If you’re wondering how to take your business to the next level, the answer is: get a coach.
If you just want to think about it and get to know her, sign up for the masterclass. You’ll definitely get some takeaways about improving your business AND you’ll learn about her coaching program. (If you want to bug out before you learn about the coaching program and just get the takeaways, that’s cool too. She’s that good. I just want you to tune in to get what she’s teaching in the class because I know it will be fantastic.)
I am an affiliate for her coaching program. If you decide you want to take part, a) I am offering a bonus. What is that bonus? It’s a review of your email list building strategy with pointers to get started. (Trust me when I say this is valuable and something you definitely need.)
b) If you decide to sign up through my links and get my bonus I get a commission. Gotta be up front about that.
I only promote things I believe in 100%. Here’s what people have said about Theresa’s program:
“One of the best investments that I’ve ever made!”
“Thank you for introducing me to Teresa and her Level Up course Katie. It has changed the way I view and manage my business!”
“I can now AFFORD to write books – because I’m making money passively through online courses while I’m writing, traveling and photographing gardens. But more than that, I can now reach and teach so many more people than I ever can in person. Highly recommend.”
So, take it or leave it. If you’ve been on my list a while, you know I pretty much don’t sell anything ever. I’m begging you, though, at least think about soaking up the wisdom from the masterclass and learn more about the coaching program. It will revolutionize your business.
Bookmarks of the Week
Make a little signature graphic that isn’t your actual signature
Self care for Freelancers (Shoutout to Kathy for this one!)
Why We Choke Under Pressure and How Not To (podcast)
I won’t be sending an email next week ’cause I’ll be at GWA and IGC. If you want to talk to me about Theresa’s course/masterclass while we’re there, hunt me down.
Please excuse my typos in this email. It was either quick and dirty or don’t send it and then you’d miss the masterclass.
Week of August 20 it’s back to regularly-scheduled business tips. (Plus I have a great website resource for you. Stay tuned!)
Have a great weekend everyone!