What is the maximum amount of money you’ll let a new client spend with you?
“Oh, but there IS no maximum,” you might say. “I’ll take all $20,000 from someone if they offer it.”
For me, the maximum is different. Book projects start between $4500-$6500 with me. I will take a new client on and do a book for them for that or a bit more because I’ve done lots of books, and I know what it takes to do one.
I wouldn’t sell a $15,000 website. A $3,000-$7,000 website yes. $15,000 or $20,000 no. I don’t WANT to manage that type of project. I’d refer to another agency.
I would not, probably, take a marketing client starting with $6,000 at one time. If someone came to me and said, “I have $50,000 to spend on marketing this year,” I’d refer to an inbound marketing agency. I don’t have the bandwidth to manage the people required to have a successful $50,000 marketing campaign.
So, while it’s important to know your minimum number for work, it’s also important to know your maximum.
The maximum ALSO has to do with what you feel confident and comfortable delivering for what price.