I had to save 12 months worth of taxes in 6 months because of disorganization! (Lest you think I always have my act together.) It happens to all of us. BUT in order to do that, I had to implement some revenue-related actions. And it seems like they worked well, so I’m keepin”em and sharin’ ’em with you!
Easy Ways to Increase Revenue
-Keep a time sheet on google sheets and let clients see it. This removes anxiety about the end of month bill. Client can look at it at any time. Be religious about tracking time so not giving away tons of time because you don’t bother to track it.
-Raise rates. That immediately brings in more revenue. It ALSO allows you to give more attention to clients, because you can have fewer clients.
-Helping and connecting people. Being a resource for information that isn’t necessarily paid time, but as a volunteer basis or to help a friend on occasion. That keeps you in people’s minds, so if someone asks THEM for someone who does what YOU do, they’ll think of you!
-Sending a weekly email to my email list with business tips and tricks, both my own perspective, and things that I have found that could be helpful to my audience. While I don’t directly sell to that list for the most part, staying in front of my list also helps them know what I can do or help with, so if someone else needs help, they might refer me. (So, leads! And leads = money)
-Streamlined my website to answer the big questions: 1. Who are you? 2. What do you sell? 3. How can I get it?
-Use Acuity to schedule smaller hour blocks from non long-term clients so that those appointments are paid in advance (that’s an affiliate link)
-Taking deposits for big projects that will start a few months hence to ensure that the client will be there when I’m ready to start!
Want more? Watch the live video about this here.