I had a really great day last Saturday. Why? I saw a sign pointing to a fish fry and I followed it. Arriving onsite was like finding a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. At least, it was for this girl who misses people and new experiences. And, …
We’ve Been Training for This
Is it the end of the world as we know it? Probably. What's happened in the United States (not to mention, the world) over the last 7 days is, as the news anchors incessantly say, "unprecedented." Mainly because the last time there was a pandemic (well, I'm …
"Canyoucomepickmeupinralighateightoclocktonightokthanksloveyoubye." I got the dreaded text message while enroute from Rhode Island to the Bronx. "I can get you out of LGA today but I can't get you into Wilmington," my rep in Phoenix said. (I know where she lived because while she rebooked my …
I Saw The Sign
We pulled up to the hotel in downtown Miami after dark. The hotel was recommended by the standup paddle race we were attending the next day. The sign was spray painted on the side of the painted concrete wall. Spray. Painted. There's a first time for everything, I guess. Perhaps …
Ladew Topiary Gardens, Monkton, Maryland
The gardening world is firmly divided over the question of topiary. Should you prune a tree or shrub into a shape to resemble another object or shape, or should you leave the pruning shears safely in the shed? This type of garden decoration has gone in and out of fashion many times in gardening …
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RHS Chelsea Flower Show 2014
At the RHS Chelsea Flower Show - a 'selfie' taken as a reflection in the in the polished steel garden arches of the "Positively Stoke-on-Trent" exhibit. To the right is a Moorcroft Pottery sphere featuring images of plants in the show garden. Great …