Guys, I made you something!
But first: it’s Katie from MakeMeaFreelancer. It has been a super busy month, thanks to all of you.
I hope you’re catching all of my Facebook Live videos. A new one is about to start in a few minutes over here.
Did you see this AMAZINGLY AWESOME promo video a freelancer writer made for her bio-writing business? WHOA. I’m so inspired. (And a little envious. Not gonna lie.)
I’ve been a good little bee and have been updating the MakeMeAFreelancer.com blog.
This post was popular with our fellow gig-economy toilers. You’ll want to read through it after you’re done digesting the AWESOME NEW CHECKLIST I MADE FOR YOU. You can get the new checklist here.
The new thing I made you is a list of ways to shamelessly self promote without being spammy, so grab it.
I’m doing a webinar for GWA: The Association for Garden Communicators about maximizing your freelance potential. You can sign up for it even if you’re not a member here. If you write/speak/photograph/design, you’ll find it useful.
That’s it for now! I’m cooking up some new goodies for you in the new year. You’ll probably hear from me again once more before the clock turns over to 2018. In the meantime, Happy Thanksgiving!

P.S. Have you been inspired to take some time off? I want to hear all about it! Just hit reply and tell me how you’ve been spending those few extra hours you’ve carved out for yourself.