I’m getting ready to run a half marathon in New Orleans this weekend. (WHY DO I PERSIST IN TELLING YOU THAT I’M ABOUT TO DO SOMETHING THAT COULD GO COLOSSALLY WRONG before I do it?)
I’ve run two other half marathons which means:
a) I know that, save breaking a bone mid-run, I can probably finish
b) It’s gonna hurt, like, a lot
Mainly because I’m not that well trained this go around. I’m not saying that to excuse what could be poor performance. Honestly, my goal is more to have a jello shot with a random stranger and dance in the streets than it is to finish fast. I MEAN, IT IS NEW ORLEANS.
I’m saying it’s gonna hurt because I have GOT to prepare myself to be an OLYMPIC CHAMPION of mind over matter on Sunday.
It’s scientifically proven that the brain quits before the body does.
It’s scientifically proven that I’ll want to quit at mile 11. (The evidence of this has been deleted from Facebook per the request of my dad who would like to see me remain gainfully employed. You’ll have to take my word for it.)
I’ve been thinking about mindset and my brain a lot lately and wanted to share some resources that have helped me wrangle my brain, which is helping me wrangle my business better. (And could help you, too.)
You know those well meaning people who say, “Oh, can you just run and do XYZ, pick up ABC, be on hand to answer this,” because you work from home? I KNOW you know what I’m talking about.
When, in fact, our whole households are lucky if we do our lunch dishes and check the mail and get up from our desks during the day. Do you eat things you can drink more often than not because it is easier to choke down and get back to work? *raises hand*
The willpower to stay disciplined and keep working is IMMENSE for freelancers. MY GOODNESS it is tiring. It is why I’m so BONKERS about insisting on time off.
That’s just one way we use our brains, though, the willpower and discipline. Our brains are so enmeshed with what we do. We’re sitting with our brains and what our brains say to ourselves ALL DAY LONG. Our brains can make or break our businesses.
Here’s what I’m digging re: the brain train. Hope you find some nuggets in here.
Two BBC articles: Toxic Perfectionism & Why are we all so tired?
A book that makes writing easier and more straightforward: Write Better Right Now AND the author’s upcoming webinar, which is open to the public.
My recent Facebook lives about: Rest Days, Pitching, and Sunk Costs
We Need to Talk: How to Have Conversations that Matter (recommended by my friend & colleague Dee Nash)
Deep Work (recommended to me by my friend & colleague Carol Michel.)
Trello (My project management software that makes communicating with clients and subcontractors so awesomely easy.)
My go to running song right now.
Go forth and conquer (or take a nap). It’s nap o’ cock somewhere.